
Staying true to her nature she would lurk in the shadows watching the various charaters in the village.  For once she felt she may have found a place to call home.  Then she saw him, he was unlike any she had seen before, his ebony skin and long pure white silky strands caught her eye.  He was strong and loud, often commanding the attention of the entire village square.  She would sit and watch him, fascinated by his attitude and unyeilding energy.   It wasn't long before there paths crossed, there in the shadows he stood, his violet eyes looking deep into hers.  A moment of fear rushed through her and instinct told her to run but, for some reason she couldn't.  When he spoke his voice was soft and comforting making her feel at ease, her fear quickly replaced with a new found curiosity.  Who was this man who stood before her, she had to know and so she stayed.

As time went by, their meetings became more frequent, each time she would learn a little more.  She was fascinated by his world and slowly learned to trust him, allowing him into her life.  Though he would often scare her with his fits of anger, his kinder, gentler side kept pulling her back.  The night his evil did touch her she almost ran but, her trust in him was strong and so with a slip of his dagger, her soul was forever bound to his.  She finally joined his world, standing beside him, the two feeding off of each other.  She grew to love this man knowing who he was and what he was capable of.  She would face his anger head on and hold him when he needed it.  His family became her family and over time she gained their love and respect.  The day she became a Goddess, he gave her control of his guild, he saw something in her, a hidden strength and ability to lead.  For a moment she was happier then she ever imagined she could be.  Little did she know the forces working against her would push her back into the shadows and the life of solitude she had all but forgotten. 

She came to the new world having made a promise to him that she would take care of the family she had grown to love.  To this day she continues to struggle as the forces against her are powerful and strong but, through it all, she remains strong in her love and loyalty to the one man who drew her from the shadows and made her who she is today.
Another chapter will be added in the near future which will include her travels into other realms.


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