
                          green dress
Growing up in a small cabin in the woods, she spent much of her time down by the willow grove on the edge of a small stream.  Her life was a simple one, the only child of  an overbearing and overprotective father and a prim and proper mother.  She never wanted for much nor was she attracted to the finer things in life.  She was happiest spending her days wandering through the trees and watching natures ever changing ways.  Every day was a new adventure, a chance to find something new and exciting.  She would often sit by her favorite willow, the oldest tree in the grove, worn and broken by the harshness of the changing seasons.  How she loved that tree for it was a survivor, a testiment to a will of survival.  She would sit and read for hours much to the disappointment of her mother, who wished she would spend more time in town, attracting the attention of a fine gentleman.  It was often a cause for argument in her calm serene life, for her father could not agree with her mother on this very point.   He was not ready to give up his only daughter and probably never would be.  He kept her sheltered and safe from the prying eyes of many a fine gentleman, much to her mothers dismay.

As she grew older, the constant hounding by her mother was more than she could bear.  No longer willing to listen to them argue she decided it was time to go out on her own.  She would miss them both and everything she had grown so fond of but, she knew in her heart it was the only way.  She took very little with her the morning she left, a few momento's of home and nothing more.  It was hard to walk away without saying goodbye but, she knew it was the only way.  With a tear in her eye she walked out and quietly closed the door behind her.  Her mind was made up and there was no turning back, taking a deep breath she started to walk, not daring to look back until she was well on her way.

Being on her own wasn't easy, she soon learned just how harsh the outside world could be. She quickly learned how to defend herself from the many unsavory characters who dared cross her path.  She was headstrong, stubborn and would never allow herself to fall victim to anyone.   Staying to the shadows she would make her way from one village to the next, watching and learning.  Always leaving before she was noticed.  She continues this way for over a year, never staying in one place for long, she was a loner and sought comfort in her solitude.  That was until she stumble upon a Kingdom unlike any she had seen before, the kingdom of Sixf00t4. 


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